Elementary School Presentations

We offer safety presentations through the Physical Education Classes. A team of firefighters delivers interactive, hands-on safety presentations to each grade level classroom during their scheduled PE specials time. We typically visit each school for two to three days to meet with all students. Each grade level receives a customized presentation addressing fire, bike, pedestrian or motor vehicle safety. Our goal is to visit schools each year to keep in front of students and build on our curriculum.
- Grade K – Walking Safely to school and at school
- Grade 1 – Fire Safety – Crawl Low Under Smoke and Stop, Drop & Roll
- Grade 2 – Bike and Helmet Safety – rules of the road and how to fit a bike helmet
- Grade 3 – Fire Safety – Exit Drills In The Home and Fire Drills at School
- Grade 4 - Pedestrian Safety – how to cross the street and be safe around traffic
- Grade 5– Fire Safety and Burn Prevention – how fire and burn injuries affect movement
- Grade 6 – Brain Injury Prevention – what it’s like and how to prevent brain injuries